priya fashions


a .

        A  bioutique is a specialized retail store that focuses on selling products related to biotechnology, often featuring innovation in health, wellness and science these stores might offer a range of items, including biotech-driven personal care products , supplements, and advanced health gadgets. the emphasis is usually on cutting-edge technology and scientific advancements in the biotech field. Their Offering are based on traditional herbal ingerdiants and aim to provide eco- friendly and scientifically formulated solutions natural products  and hand made  manufacturing clothes.   boutique   launched  new  arrivals  coming soon . and further  auction  celebrating celebrating the models.  collections  and new pattu sarees pochampalli , uppada , lehanga  ,varakalasilk, and sheenkraft womens  handloom sunderanilight grey pattu, kanchi pattu ,shiffon saree ,jarzet saree and silk models and  differnt types models avaliable in my store and all faciliated shipping  process avaliable  . and some kinds of  festival offers avaliable.  discounts and mega offers  . we have  visit the our website. you never see  like differnt kind of nodels and all type  of sarees and  own manufacturing, own cloth store own pattu sarees models. avaliable.

Featured Products

National wide shipping

It's tell us to Priya fashion delivery of goods or products across a Statewide, typically from one location to another location delivered.

Best Quality

it tell us about priyafashions delivery best product and own manufacturing.

Best Offers

It priya fashions tell us we are provide best offers in our store.

Secure Payments

Its is the trusted payment method like credit/debit cards or digital wallets(google pay, phone pay) that offer buyer protection and fraud monitoring.

Buy This sarees At 20% Discount availabile . in my website new collections.

Welcome to priya fashions boutique and beauty products availabile my website.

 A PRIYAFASHIONS  BOUTIQUE  contains    in my website  all sarees and new arrivals and new  fancy sarees   pochampattu and uppada and avaliable.  we have launching new models and new collections in my boutique .  where every piece tells a story of elegance and beautiful sarees. sophistications.AT  PRIYAFASHIONS, We believe in celebrating individuality with styles that empower and inspire.  ON MY boutique.                                                


Price :3150/– 

Item Name : Semi Kanchi pattu saree

Description  :  (semi kanchi pattu sarees)

PRICE  : 3150/-

Item Name  :  Semi Kanchi  pattu sarees

 Description  :  (Semi  Kanchi Pattu Saree)

skin care

In our missiom beauty products and heaithy professional make up products. Herbal products  no parabeen  available . your consistent Skincare routine,product  chocies nutrition, lifestyle, sleep, enviornment, and  other areas of your day-to-day life are what will set you up for a lifetime of glowing skin.

Fashion  and   Beauty   products

Our products

(PRICE : 3150 /- * with GST)
(OUR store in pure kanchipattu ,uppada, pochampalli sarees available.)

(Item Name : Semi Kanchi pattu saree)

Easy return ship in 10 days our products. all sarees and  beauty products .

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